Lower profile Lifetrac with trailer function
I would like to have a tractor like the lifetrack 6 but that is lower profile and is longer. I want it to not only serve the function of loading, digging, etc but I want it to be a trailer as well. You can think of it as a powered trailer with a frontloader and backhoe on it. Do you have a machine like this - or any plans to modify this one? I will be purchasing land in the desert soon. the land is not very level but I will need to haul material around on it for construction sake, as well as to haul water around to irrigate. I am not crazy about the idea of having a tractor and a trailer - would make it easier to control if they were one and the same. This LIfetrac tractor/trailer must be capable of carrying 10,000 pounds on it - the weight is over 1,000 gallons of water.
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